Mar 27, 2006
Well, I have fixed up some of the pages and links, I have started working a " non Piczo hosted " website that will be done someday, I have been working on some other pages, at school ect. I plan on creating some more pages soon as well, just need to ask someone if I can use their idea :P - The Admin, Justin

Mar 17, 2006
Hello there, Been awhile since I updated! I know ... but I got my camera, and I am working on some pages now to upload ;) ... I had alot of problem getting my camera (Full story - Click here) And that is about it, I will post when I am done the Images and Videos page ... other then that, Have a good one.
Coming updates!!!
1.Images and video pages. (and lots of both)
2.Fix up some errors or problems on pages.
Mail me for more ideas!

Feb 26, 2006
Well, with the amount of time I have taken off. I desided to start a new beta, and its almost done, just about 2 / 3 / 4 weeks, all depending, we are just waiting to get a digital camera, and during March Break, I also plan to work on PHP! Then, the updates will be very slow after March Break again!

View and reply at the forums!

This website is still being worked on! .. So please wait, It will improve!