> Events and competitions

Upcomming events and competitions :

Here you will find a list of upcomming event and competitions.
If you wish to see more information on the event, please click on the event title.

Date : Time span : Game : Event :
16/10/05 21:00 - 22:00 Live For Speed - Demo 15 lap race meeting
15/10/05 21:30 - 22:30 Live For Speed - Demo Practice race meeting
15/10/05 20:30 - 21:30 Unreal Tournament Capture the flag

If you wish to organize an event, please contact the admin.

Event and competition reports :

Here is a list of event and competition reportsn which are written by our members.
To view the report, please click on the event title ...

Date : Written by : Game : Event :
- - - -

If you wish to submit a report, please log into the members section.