> Ask to join the team

Welcome! On this page you can ask to become a member of the team! Becoming a member of the team only takes 5 minutes and it is completely free! All you have to do is fill out the form below, completely and correctly, and click on the Submit button. Once you have submitted the form, the Admin will then look at your application and confirm your information. Anybody is welcome to join, young or old, male of female, and even if you're not a full time gamer!

To continue, please fill out the following form ...
First name :
  Enter your first name.
Last name :
  Enter your last name.
Login :
  Enter a login to access the members area.
Password :
  Enter a password to access the members area.
Pseudo :
  Enter the pseudo or name you use in games.
Age :
  Enter how old you are.
Sex :
  Enter either Male or Female.
Location :
  The country where you live. Example: France
Languages :
  Enter the languages that you can speak.
Email :
  Enter your email address.
  Enter your MSN Messanger address.
Website :  HTTP://
  If you have one, enter your website address.
Processor :
  Example: Intel Pentium IV 3 Ghz
Memory :
  Example: 512 Mb DDR400
Graphics card :
  Example: ATI Radeon X700 256 Mb
Hard drive :
  Example: Maxtor 200 Gb SATA.
Internet connection :
  Example: 8 Mb ADSL
Prefered games :
  Example: Live For Speed & Unreal Tournament.
Availibility :
  Enter the times when you can play.
Comments :
  This will be displayed in your profile.
Image (150x150) :  HTTP://
  This will be displayed in your profile.