> News

Welcome to the DanzServ.com team website!

11/10/05 - Posted by Dan
Today, the events and competitions section has been added. These pages contain information about upcomming events and competitions and also reports of previous events and competitons. So, to keep up to date with eveything, check it out!

09/10/05 - Posted by Dan
Well, here we are; the first version of the team website. I hope you all like it! Obviously, the site is still under construction, but we'll try our best to get things up and running as soon as possible. Many new things are to come, so please be patient. Until then, please enjoy what's here, and don't forget to check out the forum!

08/10/05 - Posted by Dan
This is the beginning of the team website. The main design will get done shortly, and then we'll get some contents done. Lots to do! Wish us luck, lol ...