The BEST at what we do !!

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Our variety of different sizes of vans range up to 10 meters capacity ! , Two Large ones , a medium one and one smaller one . For more information or if you have any queries , just telephone + 028 33632 or you can E-Mail us from below !! ........................................




Updated pictures of all our vans will be coming soon !




E-Mail us here !



We specialize in the transport of Art , Antiques and fine furniture . Other items are also carried .

We are based in West Cork , Ireland and transport both single items and full loads throughout Ireland and also to and from Britain and Europe . We have  4 vans available for use that are ranging up to 10 cubic metres capacity .


E-Mail : From anywhere :
Telephone / Fax : From Ireland : ( 028 ) 33632
Telephone / Fax : From elsewhere : 00353 28 33632


Date : Locations : Space available
going to :
Space available
coming back :
Early February Spain
Southern France
Yes Yes
Early May Switzerland
Germany : Munich
Yes Yes
End February France
Yes Yes


Date : Locations : Space available
going to :
Space available
coming back :
End January England Yes Yes


For up-to-date information please E-Mail us !!





More to come soon !

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Webpage design & editing by Daniel Clayton !
