>  Car section

My current car :

My current car is a grey Ford Sierra XR4i, which I bought in December 2005. The car was made in 1990 and so far has around 160,000 Km on the clock. I bought it very cheap from a private individual, and the reason for the cheap price was that it had some paperwork problems and also the car wasn't in perfect condition. I have sorted the paperwork problems, and with the help of my brother Martyn, I am slowly reparing, improving and modifying the car, as and when I can afford it. So this is my little project, to make a cool and unique car on a budjet. There are still many things to do, which should be completed within the next few months. I'm really looking forward to the finished thing. So check back here or on the forum to see the latest changes! To see photos or videos of my car, choose a link below!

Photos, videos and other stuff :

- Photos of the car
- Videos of the car

Previous cars I have owned :

Here you'll find various photos, videos and information about the previous cars that I have owned. So far I've owned 3 cars of my own. My first car was a black Ford Sierra CLX, which I bought back in September 2004. I crashed it in the following November. I then bought my second car, a white Ford Sierra GT in January 2005. I had the GT until December 2005, when I bought my XR4i. To see my previous cars photos and videos, just click on a link below ...

Select a car :

- 1992 Ford Sierra GT
- 1990 Ford Sierra CLX

Other stuff :

So here you'll find all the other car related stuff that doesn't fit in the above categories. So far you'll find some photos and videos of my Tamiya remote controlled car, and also some group photos of my cars with other cars when I've met various poeple ...

Other stuff :

- My remote controlled car
- Photos of meetings and groups