>  Car section  >  My cars  >  1990 Ford Sierra CLX

My very first car ever, was a black Ford Sierra CLX, made in 1990. I bought the car for only 800 euros back in September 2004, from some guy who lived in northern Germany. Why the hell did you buy it from a guy in northern Germany, I hear you gasp, well, mainly because Sierra's are much cheaper there than they are in France, and I had found the car on ebay.de. When we went to collect the car, we met the guy in the south of Germany, and the car looked just fine at first glance. But then whilst we were on our way home with the car, it became obvious that it had a few problems, one of which being a leaking petrol tank!! God what a bastard for selling a car like that, never mind the waste of money, it's dangerious! But anyway, once we got the car home we managed to fix all the little problems it had, so it wasn't too bad in the end ...
After a few weeks I managed to get some new wheels and tyres for the car along with some other nice little mods like bucket seats, air filter, a non-CAT exhaust, etc etc. I was really happy with the car, and as the car was all mine, it was my real pride and joy. To be honest i was a bit of a lunatic in it though, even getting a video of me driving at 220 Km/h along a two way road! I was driving everywhere a bit too fast and generally acting the idiot in the car, as all kids do with their first car, but I was asking for trouble, and, well, I got it ...
In November the same year, around two and a half months after I had bought the car, I wrote it off. I was out at the weekend with a friend, and at 2am in the morning we were heading from my friends house towards Bourges. As friends do, he encouraged me to see how fast I could get to Bourges, and me being as stupid as I am, accepted. Now it was 2am in the morning, pitch dark and raining too! And there I am, doing over 200 Km/h on a small country lane! Of course that was asking for trouble, and as I came up to the junction after a long straight, I couldn't slow down in time, and the car just went straight on ...
The car turned a bit, just enough to miss the sign posts, and then hit the curb of the middle section of the road straight on, the car few up and landed directly on the curb the other side of the road, and continued on until it slid to a halt, right in the middle of the main road!! It was very luckly that nobody was seriously hurt, that I managed to miss the sign posts, and that there were no cars comming along the main road at that moment in time!! Of course the whole thing hit me very hard, having crashed my car, and made myself look like a total plonker, I wasn't in a great condition for a while, I can tell you. So to cut a long story short, we wern't able to repair the car, as I had managed to totally twist the chassis of the car, and so we had to scrap the car and sell the pieces. All in all, it's a very sad story, and painfull for me, but it did teach me a lesson ... Anyway, enough off all this doom and gloom, on the bright side, the car was very nice when it was still alive, so take a look at the photos and videos below!

Photos and videos of the car :

- Photos of the car
- Videos of the car