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The IT Crowd is a TV series that was shown on an English TV channel called Channel 4. The show is about a couple of computer guys, and their new boss, and how life is in the conpany they work for. As I am a computer guy myself, I find it hilarious, as they've managed to get all the little things that are just so true into to show, hehe! Watch it, you won't be disappointed!

The official site says :

The high-rise towers of Reynholm Industries are full of go-getters, success stories, and winners... apart from in the basement. While their beautiful colleagues work in fantastic surroundings, Jen, Roy and Moss lurk below ground, scorned and mocked by their co-workers as geeky losers, doomed never to make it back into normal society. The smiling face of the I.T. Department, Roy's spiky personality ensures he'll always be kept away from normal people as long as possible. He's king of the basement, indulging his love of comic books, fast food, computer games and random arguments with his best friend, Moss. Moss lives with his mum, who also dresses him, styles his hair and buys his clothes. He's highly intelligent, scared of spiders and has the social skills of a serial killer. The closest he's got to a woman is Lara Croft, and he struggles to communicate with anything that doesn't have a keyboard. Jen knows nothing about IT, she only got the job because she said she had extensive experience of computers like using mices, clicking, double-clicking, and that thing that goes on the floor... the er hard-drive? As well as being their line manager, Jen is Roy and Moss' agony aunt, relationship coach and guru about life outside the basement. Not that her life is going particularly well, it's just better than theirs.

Visit the official website :

- http://www.channel4.com/entertainment/tv/microsites/I/itcrowd/

Download the episodes here :

- The IT Crowd - Series 01 - Episode 01  ( 23m 38s - 174 Mb )
- The IT Crowd - Series 01 - Episode 02  ( 24m 21s - 174 Mb )
- The IT Crowd - Series 01 - Episode 03  ( 24m 27s - 174 Mb )
- The IT Crowd - Series 01 - Episode 04  ( 23m 41s - 168 Mb )
- The IT Crowd - Series 01 - Episode 05  ( 53m 52s - 170 Mb )
- The IT Crowd - Series 01 - Episode 06  ( 25m 06s - 179 Mb )