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Hello and welcome!
Evening all! Well, acutally, come to think of it, it may not be evening where you are right now, or even where I am, but it is at the moment, while I'm writing this! So I think the best thing to say is probably just hello and welcome! Please do come in, sit yourself down, and make yourself at home, and if you want a cup of tea while you're here, well, just ask! Now as you know, this is my site, all mine, totally, and well, if you didn't know that, shame on you. Then again, maybe this is your first visit, so you wouldn't know that yet, really, would you? Oh well, it doesn't really matter. The fact of the matter is that I made this site, and because of that, it's just a load of old bollocks, lol. I rarely bother to update this site, mainly because I'm too lazy, but I tell everybody else that I'm too busy, haha. On this site you'll find loads of cool, great and wonderfull things, and if you're lucky, you may even see some flying pigs, lol.

So, yeeaaa, anyway, what is there to do here?
Well, plenty of stuff I suppose! You could check out the photo gallery, which is full of ... yes! You guessed it! Photos! Otherwise there is the section with all the stuff I've made over time, called my creations. There's loads of strange and wonderful things in there, including my pervious websites! The other sections, well, they'll get done ... sometime ...

That's all grand and dandy, but is there any interactive stuff here?
Well, if you're really bored, you could try playing some of the games in the games section! Some of them are quite good, even for crappy website games, lol. I especially like the one called Rush Hour. Apart from that, well, you have soooooooooooooo got to join the forum!! Doing so will guarantee you eternal life and beauty, a cheque for a million euros, or whatever your currency is, constant entertainment and the chance of a lifetime to meet loads of cool and famous people! It really is the best place to be on the web! Well, maybe not quite, lol, but it is a good laugh, honest! You should definately drop in and take a look, and if you like it, register and come and join in the fun with us, you won't regret it, everybody is welcome!

Cool, but all of this is a bit bland, what else can liven it up a little?
Hmmm ... Oh yea! The music player! You can listen to loads of different songs on the music player on this site! Well how do you do that then, I hear you ask. Well, all you have to do is click on the little button in the menu that says " Start Music Player " and a little windows will open, where you will be able to choose whatever song you want to listen to! Cool? Ohhh yes!

Is there anything else ?
Hmmm, not really! All I can say is, I hope you enjoy your visit to my website and that you come back again soon! Please feel free to contact me and say hi, I don't bite, honest! lol. Righty, I'll let you get on with it then, so chop chop, get surfiing, lol! Oh yea, and a special helllllllooooo to : Hitomi, Justin, Shonuuu, Jon, Ecosse, Shawn and all the other poor sods who know me, lol ...

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