>  Other stuff  >  Send an email

On this page you can send emails to your friends, family, business or whatever! This is completely free, and you can use it as much as you want. All you have to do is fill out the form below and click on the send button, and your finished! If you don't want to your own email address for the sender, and you don't mind not getting a  reply, just leave the default address, noreply@sillynoodlz.com, as the sender, otherwise, put your own email address and then you can get the reply as you do normally! Enjoy ...

From :
Enter your email address. Enter a correct address if you want to receive a reply!
To :
Enter the email address of the person you wish to send the email to.
Subject :
Enter the subject of your email, this will be displayed as the title for the email.
Message :

This service is free, and open for any type of usage, however, I reserve the right to monitor the emails that are sent via this server, and if any abusive emails are found, the sender will be banned from using the service without any notice. If you have received undesirable or abusive emails via this service, please contact me and I will try and sort it out. Thanks ...