>  Creations archive  >  Music  >  Rave eJay 4

Here is the music that I made a while ago using Rave eJay 4, enjoy!

To listen to the songs one by one, just click on a title, then the song should then open up and play with Media Player. To download a song, just right-click on the title and select save target as. You can also download all the songs in one big zip file at the bottom of the page.

Download individual songs :

01.  RV4IN - Intro
02.  RV401 - Two sided
03.  RV402 - The beginning
04.  RV403 - Herooz
05.  RV404 - Alaska
06.  RV405 - Probably
07.  RV406 - Red alert
08.  RV407 - Drifting away
09.  RV408 - VHIG control
10.  RV409 - Powder
RV410 - Last turn

Download all the songs :

- sillynoodlz_music_ejay_rave_4.zip  ( 16.4 Mb )