>  Creations archive  >  Photos, Images and Videos  >  Videos that I made recently

Here you'll find the various videos that I've made recently. The videos here are the ones that don't fit into the other sections of my site. I have made many more videos recently than the ones shown here. To find the other videos, just look in the other sections of my website, like the car and computer sections for example, where there are quite a few videos. Anyway, enjoy!

To watch a video, simply click on the download link, and then the video should open up and start playing in your media player. To download a video, simply right-click on the download link and select save target as from the menu, then just choose where to save it to!

Video length and size :
6m 57s  - 14.7 Mb

Description :
This is a video I made of Shawn riding his BMX around town and at the skate park. Very good, watch it!

Download link :
- shawn_bmx_01
Video length and size :
1m 06s  - 2.91 Mb

Description :
This is a video made from the other webcam we have at work, showing the street outside the shop ...

Download link :
- ctcommerce_webcam_04
Video length and size :
1m 06s  - 2.87 Mb

Description :
Yet another video from the webcam in the shop, and again it's showing the area where I work. This day was actually a fairly busy day ...

Download link :
- ctcommerce_webcam_03
Video length and size :
2m 04s  - 4.96 Mb

Description :
Another video from the shop webcam, take no notice of the fact we were also working on a part for my car, haha ...

Download link :
- ctcommerce_webcam_02
Video length and size :
2m 04s  - 2.35 Mb

Description :
We have a webcam where I work, that takes a picture every 30 seconds, so I decided to make vidoe from the images!

Download link :
- ctcommerce_webcam_01
Video length and size :
2m 41s  - 6.77 Mb

Description :
The second video I made of Shawn on his skateboard down at the skate park. This time he's a bit better, hehe ...

Download link :
- shawn_skateboard_02
Video length and size :
2m 07s  - 5.33 Mb

Description :
The first video I made of Shawn on his skateboard down at the skate park ...

Download link :
- shawn_skateboard_01