> Contact me

So, you'd like to contact me? You've come to the right page! You'll find all you need to contact me here, wether it's by email, on MSN Messenger, on my forum, or even by letter or telephone. If you want to talk about serious things or just say hello quickly, don't hesitate in contacting me! I'm always ready to talk about anything, and I always like making new friends as well! Here are my informations ...

By email : dan@danielclayton.com
By MSN Messenger : messenger@danielclayton.com
On my forum : http://www.danielclayton.com/forum/
By post : Daniel Clayton
14 rue Maurice Lucas
18600, Sancoins
Telephone / Fax : 02 48 74 21 86

So there you go, that should be all you need! Hear from you soon!