> My blog

Welcome to my blog! This is the part of my site where I talk about all that's happening in my life, things like the lastest news, comments, my thoughts, various photos, amongst other things, lol. So basically this is where I'll put any new stuff. Anyway, to view the various blog entries, simply choose a date in the list below, there you go ...

Here is the latest blog entry :

- February 06 - Tuesday - Woohoo, my site is working!

Here are the other blog entries :

- February 05 - Monday - The nFactor site is improving!
- >February 04 - Sunday - And a little bit of Photoshop ...
- February 03 - Saturday - Finally some progress with nFactor!
- February 02 - Friday - Fucking police! My first fine ...
- February 01 - Thursday - Fast, but, oh shit, no, it's ok!

- January 31 - Wednesday - Wow, loads of new pieces!
- January 30 - Tuesday - Le the organisation commence!
- January 29 - Monday - Argh! Fucking computer! I've had enough!
- January 28 - Sunday - Ah ah, my site has stopped working!
- January 27 - Saturday - The birth of Team nFactor!
- January 26 - Friday - Giraffes and mangos!
- January 25 - Thursday - Finally, Windows Vista!
- January 24 - Wednesday - Updates at work ...
- January 23 - Tuesday - Ahhh, and so it starts!